Mini Site Guides


How to create your own Mini Site and more

Introduction to Mini Site Module

How to create a product guide

How to create a Mini Site?

How to create a Product to Sell?

How to create a coupon code?

How to design a unique QR code?

Welcome to Mini Site guides

A mini site is always related to a specific product guide. In order to create a mini site, you must create a product guide first. In the following tutorials we will introduce you to the Mini Site module, how to manage your mini sites, how to create and edit them, how to design a unique QR code for them and more.

How to create a product guide?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a product guide and add it to your mini site. Please note, in order to create a mini site, you must create a product guide first.

How to create a Mini Site?

Learn how to build your own Mini Site. Create unique Top Menu & Footer, add a PDF guide that will automatically be translated to any language, create your VIP club, add product's warranty application for your clients, FAQ, Reviews, commercial or tutorial videos, POPUPS, and more. Let's start!

How to create a Product to Sell?

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a Product to Sell?

Seller Coupons Module

In this tutorial we will get familiar with the Seller Coupons Module. We will learn how to create new coupon codes, manage them, and how to use them in our mini sites.

How to design a unique QR code

Discover how you can design your own unique QR code.



Introduction to MiniSite module


In this module, you can view all your Mini Sites and their status, create new Mini Sites, or edit existing ones, edit and download the QR code that is associated with your specific site.

 To enter the MiniSite Module, click on ‘Mini Sites’ from the left side menu in your VENDOR dashboard.

Let’s review the first option: ‘Mini Sites’
Here you can see a list of all your published Mini Sites, and use the search bar to find a specific site.
In each row, you can see the Site Title, the Guide that is associated with the Mini Site, the guide’s QR CODE, and the status of your site (published or pending).

By clicking on the QR CODE, a printable pdf of the QR CODE will be automatically downloaded to your device, so you can send it to your package designer, supplier, etc.


To view, edit, delete the site, or give your QR code a unique design, press on the 3 dots icon, and choose the option you want.


You can add a new site by clicking on the red button ‘Add Mini Site', or by clicking on 'Create Mini Site' on the left side menu.
 Press the ‘DRAFT’ button, to see all the Mini Sites that you have started to work on but didn’t publish yet.


To go back to the published Mini Sites list, simply click on 'MyQRGuide logo'>choose Mini Sites’ from the left side menu, and click on 'Mini Sites'.


The second option on the Mini Site module is to create one. In order to learn how to create a new Mini Site, click here


If you accidentally erased one of your Mini Sites, don’t worry. Simply click on ‘Mini Sites’, on the left side menu, and choose the third option, ‘Deleted Mini Sites’. Click on the Restore button, and your website will reappear on your Mini Sites list.


The last feature on the Mini Site module is the 'QR code list'. Here you can see all your Mini Sites' QR codes and design them; click here to learn more. 


How to add a product guide


1. On the left side menu, choose 'products' > 'Add Products Guides' 


2. Start filling in your product information


'General' Tab

Guide name – type in the name you want to give to your guide. Note that the guide’s name will not be visible to your Mini Site visitors; it is for your own usage, so choose a name that will be easy for you to identify among all your future guides. 


SKU – If you have an SKU for your product, enter it here

ASIN - If you have an ASIN for your product, enter it here

Serial No. / Product ID - Enter your product's Serial No. or Product ID if you have

Category - Choose your relevant category from the list (please note it doesn't have to match your eCommerce platform category)

Subcategory - Choose your relevant Subcategory from the list (please note it doesn't have to match your eCommerce platform Subcategory )

Sub Subcategory - Choose your relevant Sub Subcategory from the list (please note it doesn't have to match your eCommerce platform Sub Subcategory)


*You can suggest your own Category, Subcategory, or Subsubcategory. Click on the +Add. A window will popup, write inside the category name, and choose the main category if needed, finally press save.
If this category is necessary, we will approve it and it will automatically update on your product guide details.


Unit – Choose the relevant measurement unit from the dropdown list, or add your own, by choosing "other".

Tags – To add a tag, simply write a term and press 'ENTER' on your keyboard. 



You can upload images by clicking inside the image placement, browsing your device, and choosing your desired image to upload.

You can upload up to 10 Main Images of 1:1 ratio, we recommend 1080 X 1080 px, and 1 Thumbnail Image of 435X300 px. For best visibility, we recommend uploading images that fit those sizes.



To add a video to your guide:

1. Click on the right arrow on the ‘video provider’ field and choose from which platform you would like to extract your video: YouTube, Video, Dailymotion, Amazon. 

2. Insert the video link inside the ‘video URL’ field.

If you don’t have a designed guide, contact us by pressing on the blue link, and we will help you create the perfect video guide for your product.


Meta Tag

The Meta Title, Description, and Picture are what usually show up when your page appears on Google or any other search engine. 

Editing those fields will help to improve your SEO and appearance on search results.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Meta Title – Often used as the title in search results. It's recommended to keep it shorter between 55 and 65 characters long. Your meta title should give users a brief, concise and comprehensible impression of what the page is about and why it is relevant for them. Contain the most important keywords for the SEO of your webpage (guide); the most important keyword should always come first.
In total, up to four keywords can be used. Word repetitions and spelling errors should be avoided. Moreover, if the title consists of several terms, they should not be separated by a hyphen, but rather by a vertical line "|". 

Description – A meta description is used to describe the content of a web page. Meta descriptions will appear below the page title and URL in the search engine results (Google, etc.)
Here are a few quick tips to help you write a powerful Meta Description: 

  • Make it meaningful and descriptive, matching your content

  • Aim for about 1-2 sentences long. To remain visible within Google, keep your Meta Description somewhere between 140-160 characters

  • Include your target keyword

  • Write a description that conveys your product’s unique selling point.

  • Target an emotion, make an emotional appeal with your message

  • Include CTA (Call To Action) 

Meta Image – This image will be identified with your guide (your webpage) in the search results. Choose the most relevant image to your guide, band, an image that will send out the right message to your customers.

To upload an image, click inside the frame and choose an image from your device, or simply drag an image into the frame.


External link

This option allows customers to be redirected to your eCommerce platform and buy your product, with a click of a button.

Select your eCommerce platform, Amazon or eBay, and insert your product ASIN in the field below.

If you sell on a different eCommerce platform, such as Shopify, Walmart, etc; choose ‘other’ on the dropdown list and enter the relevant URL link. 



Write a compelling and engaging product description.

Explore the design toolbar for styling your description.




State any necessary and important specifications regarding your product.
Use the
design toolbar
to style your specifications as you wish


PDF Specifications

Upload your desired PDF product manual, by browsing your device, or simply drag & drop it into the frame.

You can upload up to 10 different PDFs. 



To learn how to add the product guide to a Mini Site, click here. 


How to create a MiniSite

Before you start creating a MiniSite, we recommend that you create your ‘product guide’ and ‘product to sell’.

On the left side menu, click on 'Mini Sites' > 'Creat Mini Site'


1. Write a name for your MiniSite, and select your favorite background colour (by clicking on the white bar


You can play with the color bar, type in a specific RGB, HSL, or HEX by clicking the 2 little arrows and switching between options.


2. Use the left-side menu features to design your MiniSite.
Drag & drop each feature that you would like to add to your MiniSite and edit it.


Drag & drop the ‘Add Guide’ feature from the left side menu into the ‘drag & drop’ area.

Select a guide from the list of guides that you have created


If you don’t have a guide ready, press on ‘Add Guide’ and create one; then come back and continue editing your MiniSite.

You can also animate your guide by pressing the ‘select animation’ and choosing from the dropdown optional list.



Related Products

You can add up to 3 products.
Click on the field next to ‘select max 3 products’ and choose from the list, the products that you wish to display on your MiniSite.


Select animation if you like, same as you did in the ‘Add Guide’ feature.

You can choose to make those products visible to all, or only for logged in users, by clicking on the button and turning it to blue.


 Add company profile

Time to brand up your MiniSite

Add your company \ brand logo, address, phone number, email, website, and write a short description about your company\brand.
If you like, select animation for this section and continue to the next feature.


Add Video

If you already added a product demonstration video on your product guide, we recommend this time, to add a different video. For example: Team / company / brand video, testimonial, promotional video, or even Facebook live / Vlog
Choose the relevant platform (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo) and insert the URL link in the ‘Video link’ field.


If you want to upload a video from your local device, then choose ‘upload video’, browse your video, or drag & drop it to this section.
The same as any feature, you can animate it and choose if to show it only to logged in users.

Add Slides

This feature allows you to create a slide show inside your MiniSite.
Here are a few ideas for what you can present on your slideshow:  promotional or your brand’s voice images, your product’s variations, updates, infographics, Instagram images, etc.
You can add many images as you wish, however, we recommend adding up to 5 images.



Add pdf, guide & languages

Here you can upload a pdf guide that the system will translate automatically to any languages that your visitors will choose.
Provide a title to this section (tab), add a short description of your guide.
 You can add many PDFs.
Simply click on the “Add More Files”, write a title and upload your desired file.
You can choose if to animate this section on your Mini Site or not.



Edit a text of own client club

Welcome your clients and MiniSite visitors to join your membership club.
Drag this feature into your MiniSite builder

Inside the ‘club text’ write down a compelling title.
For example Premium Membership, VIP Client, join our Club & Get in shape with our free tutorials.
Get creative and enlarge your community.


Start creating the application form that your clients will fill out.

  • Click on ‘text input’ and a text field will appear.
    Write down necessary guidance for your clients, on how to fill in the form.
  • Click on ‘select’ for creating a checkbox question.  Write down your question.
    Add optional answers by clicking the ‘add option’ button
  • For creating a multiply question click on ‘multiple select’, and the ‘add option’ button for adding optional answers.
  • If you wish for your customers to upload a document click on ‘file’ and type in which file type they should upload.
  • Finally, you can add any further relevant content in the ‘content box’.

    If you wish only logged in users to see the VIP Club option, then turn on the ‘show to logged in user’.
    Select animation for this section. 


The feature will appear to your visitors like this


Once they will click on it, they will be transferred to a new window where they will fill in the form you have created. 


Edit Warranty text and Form

Want your clients to register for an extended warranty? 
Drag the Warranty feature into your MiniSite builder

Start building the warranty form that your clients will fill out.



1. Click on ‘text input’ and a text field will appear. Write down necessary guidance for your clients, on how to fill in the form.

2. Click on ‘select’ for creating a checkbox question.  Write down your question.
3. Add optional answers by clicking the ‘add option’ button.

4. For creating a multiply question click on ‘multiple select’, and the ‘add option’ button for adding optional answers.

5. If you wish for your customers to upload an invoice, certificate, or any other proof of purchase, click on ‘file’ and type in which file type they should upload.

6. Click on ‘date’ for the customer to insert the date of purchase. Inside the ‘amount of X (months)’ enter the number of months for the warranty that you are providing.

7. Finally, you can add any further relevant content in the ‘content box’.
If you wish only logged in user see the warranty option, then turn on the ‘show to logged in user’, and select animation for this section.


Here is an example of how the warranty feature looks like on a MiniSite

Here is an example of a warranty form


Social media support

Enlarge your community and make sure that your customers will keep in touch with you in any media possible. Drag the ‘social media support’ feature to the MiniSite builder

Choose your desired background color and insert all your social media links, according to the relevant platform.


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are another important and effective way to reach out and connect with your target audience and clients.  Add this feature to your MinSite and make it a part of your site strategy.

You can add as many questions as you wish, our recommendation is to focus on the main inquiries of your target audience, and not to make this section too long (so it will be easy for your visitors to find their way around, and not feel overwhelmed).

Here are a few more tips for creating an effective FAQ
Write concise, insightful, answers, and make sure that they are related to the products you are promoting on this MiniSite. 

Make sure that your answers are to the point, easy, and short. Long wordy answers should be avoided in most cases.
Finally, leverage your FAQ content by using long-tail keywords that your customers are searching for.  

Customer Reviews
Simply add this feature and select your desired animation.
When you add this feature, customers will be able to write a review on your product and service, and also to ask questions. 

This is how the feature will appear on your MiniSite


You can create a unique POPUP window with an external link, and choose where you want it to appear on your Mini Site.
Add the POPUP feature from the left side menu.  

Choose your desired POPUP from our variety of designs or upload your own image.
Once you will choose a design, you will see fields for entering your text. Choose the design that best suits your marketing needs. Insert relevant text.


Please note, when you choose to upload your own image to POPUP, you can’t insert text.

You also have the option to add an external link to this POPUP.
Insert the URL link and give it the title you want, for example, ‘redeem now’, ‘Sign me up’, etc. depending on your objective and to where you wish to direct your visitor.
Select animation
If you don’t want this feature to be visible to all, toggle on the “show only to logged in users”.
Finally, choose on which page on your Mini Site the POPUP should appear, and when.


Here are 2 examples of how the POPUP can look like on your MiniSite

Drag the coupons feature from the left side menu.

Select your favorite design for the coupon or upload your own image. Choose the specific coupon code you wish to display.


If you don’t have a coupon code ready, go to your dashboard and create a coupon code, then come back and finish editing you coupon visibility on your MiniSite.

Here is an example of how your Mini Site's visitors will see your Coupon 



Footer & other general settings

After you completed adding all the features you want, scroll down, and find the following general settings for your MiniSite.

Here you can choose if you want to activate ‘buy now’ button, if you want to disable the ChatBot and Online Chat support, choose if to show MYQRGUIDE footer or hide it, create your own footer, select your site font, and enter meta tags

Chat Bot
The ChatBot and Online Chat Support features are automatically activated on any Mini Site you create.  In order to disable those options, simply edit your Mini Site and turn off the toggle. 


Meta Tag

The Meta Tags are what usually shows up when your page appears on Google or any other search engine. Editing those fields will help to improve your SEO and appearance on search results.

Meta Title – Often used as the title in search results. It's recommended to keep it shorter between 55 and 65 characters long. Your meta title should give users a brief, concise and comprehensible impression of what the page is about and why it is relevant for them. Contain the most important keywords for the SEO of your webpage (guide); the most important keyword should always come first.
In total, up to four keywords can be used. Word repetitions and spelling errors should be avoided. Moreover, if the title consists of several terms, they should not be separated by a hyphen, but rather by a vertical line "|".

Description – A meta description is used to describe the content of a web page. Meta descriptions will appear below the page title and URL in the search engine results (Google, etc.)

Here are a few quick tips to help you write a powerful Meta Description:

  • Make it meaningful and descriptive, matching your content
  • Aim for about 1-2 sentences long. To remain visible within Google, keep your Meta Description somewhere between 140-160 characters
  • Include your target keyword
  • Write a description that conveys your product’s unique selling point.
  • Target an emotion, make an emotional appeal with your message
  • Include CTA (Call To Action)

Hide top menu
When you mark this option a new field will appear with the option to upload your logo.
The MYQRGUIDE top menu will disappear and instead of it a top menu with your logo will appear.


To create your own unique Mini Site footer, mark the “hide footer” option.
Then enter your business address, phone number, and email address.

Finally, select a font for your Mini Site.





Once you finish designing your MiniSite, you can ‘preview’ your work, ‘save’ it, and when you feel ready to lunch it, press on ‘submit’.

How to add product to sell

On the left side menu , choose ‘products’ > ‘Add Product to Sell

Start fill in your product information



Product Name – type in the name of the product you wish to sell. Note, this is the name that visitors will see on your offer.

Sku / ASIN / Serial No. \ Product ID - write the one that is most relevant to your product. 


Category – you can choose from the dropdown list or edit it manually by pressing the +ADD below the category field.

When you press the +ADD a “category information” popup window will appear with the options to add the category name, once you finish, press SAVE.


Subcategory - you can choose from the dropdown list or edit it manually by pressing the +ADD below the category field..

When you press the +ADD a 'Subcategory information' popup window will appear with the options to add the Subcategory name and choose main category from the dropdown list. Edit all the necessary information and press SAVE.


Sub Subcategory - you can choose from the dropdown list or edit it manually by pressing the +ADD below the category field.

When you press the +ADD a 'Sub Subcategory information' popup window will appear with the options to add the Sub Subcategory name and choose category & Subcategory from the dropdown list. Edit all the necessary information and press SAVE.

*When you request to add a category manually, we will consider if it is necessary, and if it is we will approve it. Once we approve your request, your product details will ne automatically updated. 

Unit – Choose the most relevant measurement to your product from the drop down list, or choose 'other' and write down your desired unit measurement.

Tags – To add a tag, simply write a term and press ENTER.



You can upload images by clicking inside the image placement, browse your device, and choose your desired image to upload, or simply drag & drop it into the image placement.

You can upload up to 10 Main Images of 1080 X 1080 and 1 Thumbnail Image of 290 X 300. For best visibility, we recommend uploading images that fits to those sizes.



To add a video to your guide:

1. Click on the right arrow on the ‘video provider’ field and choose from which platform you would like to extract your video: YouTube, Video, Dailymotion.

2. Insert the video link inside the ‘video URL’ field.

If you don’t have a designed guide, contact us by pressing on the blue link, and we will help you create the perfect video guide for your product.


If you wish to sell your products through MyQRGuide platform as well, enter here all the relevant price details. 


External link

This option allows customers to be redirected to your ecommerce platform and buy your product, by a click of a button.
Select your ecommerce platform, Amazon or eBay, and insert your product ASIN in the field below.
If you sell on different ecommerce platform, such as Shopify, Walmart, etc; choose ‘other’ on the dropdown list, and enter the relevant URL link. 



Write a compelling and engaging product description.

Explore the design tool bar for styling your description.



State any necessary and important specifications regarding your product.
Use the design tool bar to style your specifications as you wish.


If you have variations to this product, you can update the relevant details here.
Click on the 'Create variation' button.

Provide a title to the specific variation, for example: size, color, quantity, etc. 
Type in all your variation options. For example: if your variation is size than
Variation name : Size 
Variation options: Small, Medium, Large

You can add more than one variation to a specific product. 
Simply click on the 'Create variation' button and add the necessary details. 

To add this Product to Sell on your Mini Site, choose the "Related Products" feature, drag & drop it into your site when you edit it. For more info, click here





How to create a coupon code

First, let's have a quick introduction to this module. 

In the Seller Coupons module, you can manage all the coupons that you have created and create new ones as well.

To enter the Seller Coupons Module, click on ‘Seller Coupons’, on the left side menu in your VENDOR dashboard.

The Seller Coupons table will show you all the coupons that exist, the coupons’ types, "Cart base" (Coupons discount for a total order) and "product base", the start and end date for the coupon deal, and the option to edit or delete a coupon, by pressing on the "Action" button. 

For creating a new coupon, click on ‘CREATE A NEW COUPON’ that is located above the table

Choose the type of coupon you wish to create, "For products" or "For total orders", and press ‘Save’. 

If you are creating a coupon code for "Products"
1. Enter a specific code for the coupon, and choose the relevant product from the dropdown list.
If you wish to add more than one product to the same coupon code , press on ‘add more’ and fill in the details.

2. Select the time frame for the coupon code’s availability. 
3. Choose the amount and type of discount you wish to give – percentage or currency.
4. Finally, press ‘Save’



If you are creating a coupon code for ‘Total order’
1. Enter a specific code for the coupon.
2. Write down the minimum shopping amount for applying the coupon.
3. Select the amount and type of the discount – percentage or currency.

4. Enter the maximum discount amount a customer can redeem.
5. Set a time frame for the coupon code’s availability.
6. Finally, press ‘Save’

How to design a unique QR code

When you create a new Mini Site, a unique QR code is automatically generated.
To download the QR code for printing purposes, simply click on MINI SITES on the left side menu and choose MINI SITES. You will see a list of all the Mini Sites that you have created. One click on the QR code will download it to your device.

To make this QR code more special, you can design it with unique frames, colors, and even enter your logo in it.
To design your QR code, press on the 3 dots next to it and choose “Edit QR code”, and enter to the GENERATOR QR CODE window.
You can also enter this window by clicking on MINI SITES on the left side menu, and then click on the QR code list.



Make sure the correct Mini Site is selected in the Mini Site field.  

Give your QR code a name, so it will be easy for you to recognize it.

If you wish to add your logo to the center of your QR code, check the box next to “QR code with logo?”, press on “choose a file” button, and upload your logo.

Choose your desired colors for your QR code and its background.

Select the frame you like the most.

Finally, preview your work, adjust if needed, and press Save.



You will be redirected back to the QR code list.
Click on your new upgraded QR code and download it to your device.
You can give it to your designer to integrate it on your product package, business card, sticker, etc.