Direct Customer Communication


All the ways to directly communicate with your ciustomers

Chat support overview

How to edit the Online Chat Support?

Customer Ticket Overview

How to set up the Chatbot?

Chat support overview

In this tutorial, we will go over the Online Chat feature. We will learn how it looks from both the Vendor and customer view. How to use the Online Chat and change basic settings.

How to edit the Online Chat Support?

Customer Ticket Overview

How to set up the Chatbot?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up and edit the ChatBot Conversation Flow.

Chat Support Overview

On MYQRGUIDE platform there are many channels for you to communicate with your clients.
You have 'Clients Questions' and 'Suggestions' section on your MiniSite, 'Email marketing', 'Customer tickets', 'Chatbot', and 'Online Chat'.

You can find the Chat Support module on the left side menu, on your dashboard. 

Inside the Chat Support you have 2 options:

1. Online Chat

The online chat itself is for communicating live with your customers. You can see here all your live and previous communication with the clients.
From here you can set if you want to be online or offline and enter directly to the settings of the Online Chat by clicking on ‘Settings’ at the bottom of the Chat window.

2. Settings 

Here you can edit and manage your Online Chat 

Create pre-answered questions, custom your Chat’s avatar and name, edit the text of pre messages and buttons.
To learn more on how to edit the settings of the Online Chat click here.


The Online chat is a default option that appears on your Mini Site once you have created and submitted it. If you wish to disable it, simply go to ‘Mini Sites’ > ‘Mini Site’ > press on the 3 dots next to the relevant Mini Site and choose ‘Edit’.


Scroll down to the bottom section of the page and turn the ‘Active chat support’ toggle off.  

The Online Chat will appear on your Mini Site like this


The visitors will be able to ask questions of their own or choose from a list of categories and receive your pre-answered questions. If they still wish to talk to you or one of your customer service representatives, they will be able to do so by clicking on the “Would you like to speak to one of our representatives?” button (which you can also edit).
In order to chat with you directly, the visitor will have to sign up to the platform and register as your customer first (this way you will receive all of his relevant details), and then he/she will be transferred to an online chat with you.


When you are in online mode, all your customers’ messages will appear on the Online Chat, and you can communicate with each other in real-time.

When you are offline and not available on the Online Chat, the customer will be redirected to open a ticket. The customer will see a message “Please leave us a message and we will get back to you within our office hours” and will have the option to open a ticket.

You will receive a notification on your dashboard that a ticket was opened, and you will see it under ‘Customer Tickets’. To learn more about the Customer Tickets module click here.


To learn how to change more advanced setting of the Online Chat click here 


How to edit the Online Chat Support?

On MYQRGUIDE platform there are many channels for you to communicate with your clients.
You have 'Clients Questions' and 'Suggestions' section on your MiniSite, 'Email marketing', 'Customer tickets', 'Chatbot', and 'Online Chat'.


The online chat itself is for communicating live with your customers. You can see here all your live and previous communication with the clients.
From here you can set if you want to be online or offline and enter directly to the settings of the Online Chat by clicking on ‘Settings’ at the bottom of the Chat window.


To edit and manage the Online Chat go to the left side menu on your dashboard and click on ‘Chat Support’ > ‘Settings’, or simply click on 'Settings' at the bottom of the Online Chat window. 

Here you can Create pre-answered questions, custom your Chat’s avatar and name, edit the text of pre messages and buttons.



Let’s start editing your Online Chat Settings!

Step 1:

  • Choose to which Mini Site/s you want the pre-answered question to be linked.

  • Select the subject of the question from the default subjects list or create a new subject of your own.

  • Write down the Question’s title, the relevant keyword (that your customer might use in a different variation of the question)
    For example,
    ‘Question title’: “Can I wash the bag?”
    Other ways that customers can ask this same question are: “Can I put the bag in the washing machine?” “Does the bag waterproof?”, keywords that customers might use to ask if they can wash the bag are water, washing, washable, etc.
    So on the ‘Question keywords’ field, we will put full sentences, short & long-tail keywords: Can I put the bag in the washing machine, Does the bag waterproof, water, washing, washable.

  • Choose the type of answer you want to provide to your customers, ‘External link’ or ‘Written answer’. Type in the answer to the question you have created. You can design the answer with the design toolbar, insert an image, and a link.

  • Finally, click on ‘Add answer’.

You can continue adding as many questions as you want, assign specific questions to a specific Mini Site or assign general questions to a few Mini Sites or all of them (if they can be related to all).

Step 2:

‘Add custom button title’ – In case your customer wants to ask something that doesn’t appear on your pre-answered questions, or simply wants to speak directly to you, this button will allow him to redirect to an online chat with you.
Write down, in this field, the text you wish your customer to see in this case.
For example, “To speak to a CSM”, “To talk to our customer service representative”.
The default text of the system is: “Would you like to speak to one of our representatives?”

Ticketing message’ – If your customer chooses to speak to you directly on online chatting, and you are offline, he will be redirected to his own dashboard for opening a ticket.
You will receive a notification on your dashboard that a ticket was opened, and you would be able to see it on the left side menu under ‘Customer tickets’.

Welcome message’ – Type here the text you wish the customer to see once he opens the chat.

Add custom bot name’ – You can choose the name you want your customers to see when they use the chat. You can use your own personal name, your brand’s name, etc.

‘Custom Avatar’ – Choose between the existing images to make your chat more humanize.

Step 3:

  • Go Online/Offline by turning the toggle button on and off.
  • Choose which subjects you want the customers to see by turning on and off the toggle next to them. If there is a subject that you don’t need anymore, you can delete it. Please note that once you delete a subject, all the pre-answered questions that are related to it will also be deleted.

If you wish to disable the Online Chat option on a specific Mini Site, simply go to the edit mode of the Mini Site, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and turn off the ‘Chat Support’ toggle button.





Introduction to Customer Tickets module


Customer Tickets is where you will find all the messages that your customers have left for you, while your Chat was offline, or if they simply choose to open a ticket from their user’s dashboard.
You can see the date (when the ticket was created), customer’s name, email and phone number, the ticket’s subject, view the message, respond and close the ticket.

When you press on ‘view’, you will see further details of the massage, an option to reply, the ticket’s status.

You can also create a new ticket manually, by clicking on the ‘Create a new ticket’ button, below the table.



1. Select a customer from the dropdown list.

2. Write the relevant subject.

3. Type in the ticket’s details

4. Finally, press ‘Confirm’, and the ticket will be added in a new row to the table.

How to set up the Chatbot


The Chatbot feature starts conversations automatically and drives your visitors to action.
The feature is automatically active on each Mini Site you create; if you choose to disable this option for a specific Mini Site, simply go to ‘Mini Sites’ > ‘Mini Site’ > press on the 3 dots next to the relevant Mini Site and choose ‘Edit’.
Scroll down to the bottom section of the page and turn the ‘Active chatbot' toggle off. 



When active, the Chatbot will popup automatically when a visitor enters your Mini Site.

How to create the Bot Conversation Flow?

On the left side menu, go to ‘Chatbot’ > click on the ‘Create new conversation’ button.

In the ‘Question title’ box, type in your desired question that will start the flow. Use the design toolbar to bring your text to life with different colors, font styles, or even an image.

The next step is to create options for your visitors to choose from, so they can answer the question.

Option title – Write down the option for the visitor to choose
Option response – Select what will be the answer that the visitor will receive if he chooses this option. You can choose between entering an external link or writing your answer. 
Use the design toolbar to elevate your answer by editing the text’s color, font style, size, insert and image or a hyperlink.

To add another option for the visitor to choose from, click on the ‘Add option’ button.

Once you finish designing your Bot Conversation Flow, click on ‘Save conversation’.

You can add another conversation flow that will start right after the first one will end. To add another conversation, simply click on the ‘Create new conversation’ button.

You can also edit or delete conversations that you have already created by clicking on the ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ buttons, next to each conversation.

Let’s see an example of an active Chatbot conversation flow.

*Please note that on the top of the chatbot there is an automated option for the customer to click on and be transferred to the ONLINE CHAT if he chooses to ask a question and receive support.